Wednesday, June 13, 2007

creative discipline

If there is one thing we do not tolerate in our home it is lying. Over the last few years, we have tried a few ways to deter sneaking, lying, etc. One thing that proved very effective a few years ago was giving kaitlin a taste of black pepper - bitter and nasty - and talked about the bitter taste of lying. Then we gave her a cookie and talked about how sweet the truth is, etc.

Kaitlin has a chart for this summer where she gets to put a star for each book she reads. There are rewards at 25, 50, 75 and then 100 said "Surprise"! Tonight we caught her lying about finishing a book. I knew she couldn't have finished the book as quickly as she claimed, and she finally admitted it saying, "I was just so anxious to get to 100!" So, we had to come up with a logical consequence for what became an utter lie that she tried and tried to convince us of!
So here is what we came up with.

She was trying to get to 100 by cheating (basically) and what happens when you are trying to get somewhere and you go the wrong way??? Well, you don't get there. So she will not get the "Surprise" 100. She can still earn 75, but 100 is out of the question. Charles put a red mark over the number 100 and explained that sometimes when you do things, they are permanent, they cannot be changed. We explained that if you are trying to get to the store and you go the wrong way - you will not get to the store. She was trying to get to 100 and went the wrong get the idea here.

Her response? Well, I will just say that one day this girl will be a hormonal teenager and I am scared! She made a good list and a naughty list. Guess which list dad and I are on? I just hope it leaves an impression.

I have to insert a shout out to my friend Cari who helped encourage me in the direction of logical consequences early in my daughter's life. Thanks Cari!


Jaime said...

I am always looking for creative and yet thought-provoking ways to discipline my kids. Just spanking or putting them in time-out doesn't deal with the heart issue. Thanks for sharing a creative idea. Keep sharing! :-) Although, hopefully, your kids will be so obedient you won't have cause to be creative in your discipline. :-)

CDJ said...

You're wonderful! I still remember the sippy cup tied to the drawer pull in the kitchen. We've come a long way baby! Thanks for posting, I'm a huge fan.