Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Conversations with Kaitlin about hair cuts usually go something like this:

Me: You need a hair cut

K: CUT?????

Me: Sorry, I meant trim - TRIM. Tiny little bit off the bottom.

K: (Afraid) Ok.

Then I tell the hair stylist to hide how much she cuts off so that K doesn't panic! At camp a mother meeting K said, "Oh, so this is the Kaitlin with the long blonde hair." It's like a trade mark I suppose.

Well she got a "trim" recently and there was no panic. Then a week later she decided she wanted it (GASP) shoulder length!!! No, it will not be enough to be a locks of love gift (sadly), but she has stuck to it. And...she has begged for bangs. I hate bangs. I grew my bangs out in junior high and never looked back!!! But with great mercy and love I cut her some thin whispy bangs in our bathroom on the spur of the moment last night. She was THRILLED. So here is part of the transformation of Kaitlin. She wonders if anyone will recognize her the first day of school with glasses, bangs and short hair. I'm starting to wonder myself as it seems to be adding a full year to her looks!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Awww!! It really suits her!