Sunday, September 28, 2008

Always Wear Underwear to Church

Sundays are always a little busy around our house (obviously part of a preachers life). Well after church today things got especially hectic.
Jonathan was trying to pull a pair of pants out of his bottom drawer and actually popped his elbow out of place. Now let's just be completely honest and BARE all here. Jonathan split a hole in his pants and sis came over and whispered, "I don't think he's wearing underwear." So I of course called him over and addressed the issue. He was ordered off to his room after a discussion on the importance of underwear for just such an occasion as pants ripping. I was sitting wondering who at church saw the offensive hole when I heard a terrible scream from Jonathan's room. Apparently launched by the momentum of trying to pull his pants out of his drawer he toppled backward onto his arm and heard a loud pop.
After 20 minutes of ice and pain we were off to the ER. X-rays and time later showed that he has nurse maid's elbow (the cartlidge popped out of place which can only happen with a young child) which our fantastic doctor eased back into place. With a pop, Jonathan's grimace turned to grin and he was immediately able to bend and straighten his arm again. It was incredible. The doctor said its one of his favorites to do in the ER because it is so immediate and works so completely.
The worst part was having to hold his arm in a very painful position for x-rays. We all cried over that one (not to mention I smacked my head on the xray machine afterward). After that I promised ice cream. I tried to distract him by getting him to choose a type of blizzard, but he said, "I just can't think of that right now, just nothing with bananas." So we stopped for ice cream and amazingly made it to cantata practice in town. Then we sped back at exactly time for me to lead music for youth, had youth and I am now so glad to be home with my son in tact.
So what have we learned today........


CDJ said...

Is this common practice for J-man? The fad is evidently sweeping the state. I told everyone to get in the car for church this afternoon and as I grabbed my keys, someone brought Mari back in the door. "Uh...she's naked under this dress..." Excellent.
I'm glad his elbow is okie-dokie.

Rebecca said...

Poor baby!! I'm so glad you had a doctor who knew you and not a stranger accusing you and filling out incident reports. That used to happen to me when I was little, and they always gave my parents the third degree. It was so sad! I guess J will be wearing his underoos from now on. :)