Monday, March 2, 2009

This time of year

I love this time of year...the weather is gorgeous and we just can't stay indoors. Most days you will find us outside playing catch or going for a walk or making sidewalk chalk creations...anything to avoid being stuck indoors.
Softball and T-ball will start later this month, and the kids are so excited. Spring break is just around the corner...maybe a camping trip....we'll see.
My parents are coming back up this week (wow, we've gotten to see them a lot lately) and my dad is going to tear out part of our cabinet so that we can put in a dishwasher. It has been almost 4 years since I have had a dishwasher, and I am SO READY! Yeah!!! Wooppeee!

1 comment:

jessy said...

WOW!! Four years??!! You are THE woman!
I went without for three weeks when we moved last month, and I thought I was NOT GOING TO SURVIVE!!