Thursday, January 28, 2010

I think the baby had his first hiccups (that I was aware of) this morning about 4:30am. Believe me - I did not want to be awake that early this morning, but my brain was WIDE awake, and once the hiccups started it was all over.
Shortly after that the bottom fell out and it started pouring rain. I think it will rain all day today and possibly ice over tomorrow - here's hoping for a late start for school tomorrow! This is just the sort of weather I love when I'm able to stay home and enjoy it in my PJs.
Yesterday and today we are doing GT testing here in the library. We have a representative from Abilene coming in to do the actual testing, but it still makes for a long day, so I will be glad when they are finished. I'm waiting to see how many children come in soaked from toes to knees because they danced in all the puddles between the school and the LRC.
17 weeks until my due date, 13 weeks until they are putting me in the hospital to switch me over to Heprin.

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