Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sick Jonathan

Poor Jonathan is home sick today. His ear and throat are hurting. Last night he had a wreck on his skate board and took all the skin off of his chin (and I mean all the skin). I didn't get a picture of that, so I just posted these recent ones. I'll have to take a picture of his war wounds, because he has already come up with a great story for how it happened. He said he's going to tell people that he grew a beard and I didn't like it so I ripped it off! (He added, "but I don't think they will believe me.)
The real story is this: He was skateboarding on his stomach and decided to take a running start. Unfortunately his body went faster than the board and he skateboarded on his chin and collar bone for a while. When he came in the house it looked like someone had just peeled back the bottom of his chin like a little trap door! Into the bubble bath - he was very brave.
The bad thing about him being home sick today is that he will miss his first basketball game which is tonight. Man is he going to be sad about that.
Yesterday we spent the entire day cleaning out Kaitlin's room - closet, under the bed, drawers. It was so overdue for my little pack rat princess. We are in clean out mode - trying to make room for baby stuff, so a day off school meant a cleaning day. It is so true what they say about such tiny critters needing SO many things! Also, I feel like the week that I am going into the hospital (to change my blood thinners) is rushing up on me!
Kaitlin had her own little injury while we had everything pulled out of her closet. She stepped on something sharp and hopped up and down and out of the room saying, "ouch ouch". Charles came over and saw that her foot was bleeding so he sent her to the bathroom before she got blood on the carpet where I came in for first aid. As I was cleaning up her foot and getting the band aid ready I noticed the "blood" was staining her foot. I said, "Kaitlin, this doesn't look like real blood." She just cackled out loud - she had put fake blood on her foot and defiantly tricked us both!

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