Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I wanted to give everyone an update on my dad. He found out today that his gallbladder is in fact not functioning properly. So, one week from today (Tuesday) he will be having it out. It will be outpatient surgery, and we are hoping that he feels much better afterward!!!
Thank you all so much for your prayer and love for our family. They get us through!

Today we made our monthly Wal-mart run and stopped by Goodwill. We found a few good buys including Outburst Junior for $2 and a black tank top for K that says "Spy Girl" in rhinestones which will go perfectly with our VBS spy theme.

We are trying to encourage Kaitlin to keep up the reading this summer, but the nearest public library summer reading program is nearly an hour away. Any suggestions? We have thought about doing a point per book. 10 points gets A, 25 points gets B, 50 points..... What have you all done to keep the reading train chugging in the summer months? At schools end she was reading on a 4th grade level (according to the school's STAR test and their book labeling), so I'd like to at least maintain all summer.

Thank you again for your prayers. I'm going to post a few pictures from our water balloon fight yesterday:) Have a great night:)


jessy said...

That is good news about your dad. Hope everything with the surgery goes as planned.

You might want to look at the Family Fun website. They usually have more great ideas than you can shake a stick at. I remember one suggestion about planning a neighborhood book swap which sounded like a lot of fun, but also a lot of work (for you). Isn't your church full of old people? When I let it get out that my kids LOVED to read, we were bombarded with books that grandchildren had outgrown. Old people are plumb tickled to give the pastor's kids things that their grandkids don't use anymore. Then you will have them encouraging her, too. (ie: Did you read that book I gave you last Sunday? How did you like it? My grandson Mike must have read that story a thousand times....)

Jillian Kay said...

so glad to hear about your dad!! awesome!!

looks like you had fun with the balloon fight!! too cute! :)