Saturday, June 23, 2007

You know you're a redneck if....

You are in a centennial celebration parade and the name of your float is redneck hot tub! We had a horse trough in the back of a trailer filled with water and children and drove down the main street with Charles on his unicycle following us (as float 4 1/2). I wish you could have heard all the comments as C rode past. "Wow" "That is amazing" "How is he doing that" Then people who had missed it were utterly disappointed and wanted to be certain that he would be there for the Christmas parade! He's quite the celebraty let me tell you! Ha Ha! Jonathan spent the entire afternoon in the "hot tub". Loads of fun and pictures to boot!
Happy 100th!

I didn't get a great shot of C. I'm hoping someone else did. (Casie - can't wait to get your take on this whole event.)

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