Tuesday, July 17, 2007

6 weird things

Ok, I’ve been tagged for this twice now. I suppose I should do it.

6 weird things about me.

1. I am only afraid of spiders when they are near a bed or in my mail box (or other dark place I might stick my hand.) I can’t stand the thought of them crawling in mine or my kids ears while we sleep (hence the bed thing). The mail box thing is from experience – it was large and hairy and totally invaded my mail box space! I now shake out all my mail before fully grasping it.

2. I tend to see the world in small pieces like little pictures that my mind takes very quickly. Sometimes I even digitally enhance the little picture piece in my mind. So just know when I look at you, you may be 4X6ish. I also often think, “I’m going to blog this.” So my poor husband has started saying, “are you going to put this in your blog?” or if I take a picture he may say, “do not blog that.” I usually do anyway!

3. Charles has a nick name that he calls me that pretty much gets him his way every time. You may know it, but it wouldn’t work for you. It only has power on his lips. “Lisa Roo?” he begins…. “Yes, my beloved?” I reply (sort of). So far this power has not been abused. Ha Ha.
I don’t like talking on the phone. That is why God game us IM, e-mail and blogs! Lol.

5. I don’t like to cook. I’m a stay at home mom who doesn’t like to cook or clean. Yes, that might be a problem. It’s been 7 years – no one has starved or left the house naked. We’ll get through it! I also don’t like school, but hey – I haven’t quit.

6. It is really hard to think of 6 weird things! Oh, I frequently sing the entirely wrong words to songs. You know that “One Headlight” song – I thought it said, “One of these days” for the longest time. I pretty much start singing along the very first time I hear a song - who needs the real words when mine are so much more fun???


Jaime said...

I loved your weird things! I don't like talking on the phone either! No one else seems to understand it (or respect it!) :-) And, I also see each happening as something I can blog!

That's funny. At least you're not weird alone... :-)

CDJ said...

thanks for your comments about cameras! You absolutely rock....in a weird way. Kidding!

jessy said...

My sister and I thought that the song "North to Alaska" went, "North to Alaska....go north...the Russian zone." And my Dad and I busted out laughing (we were in church) the first time we heard, "God Gave Me Back my Tomorrows" We thought the guy was in singing, "God gave me back my tamales."