Monday, March 17, 2008


We use Resurrection eggs every year. If you've never used them with your children - go out and buy a set. They are wonderful. I also really enjoy Liz Curtis Higgs' Parable of the Lily. This year we bought Benjamin's Box which accompanies the Resurrection eggs. I don't recommend it. It really mixes fiction with the biblical story, and it makes them difficult to separate.
We also bought the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown this year. Man, I do love Charlie Brown. Saturday we will have our annual Easter Fun Day. We do Easter baskets and hunting the day before in order to hopefully have more focus on Christ Sunday. We end Saturday by making Resurrection cookies. You can Google the recipe - its a great way to discuss Easter with your kids!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love Resurrection Eggs! This year Jason is going to do them with the kids who show up Easter Sunday. We're not doing our usual Saturday Easter party, because I've decided not to kill myself. We can survive without a party. Yes, we can.