Sunday, March 2, 2008

Study Buddies


So this morning, blogger is finally cooperating to load pictures. A few things you might note about these pictures: there is a cord coming out from my body. What the heck is that? Well friends, it is a heating pad on my back - karate will do that to you. In the picture big enough to see around the couch you will see the telescope (still out from the lunar eclipse), 2 Large hot pink bags filled with boxing gloves, nun chucks an escrima and uniforms, and various other "stuff". My friend Becky, who I miss so much, actually left this comment on my recent blog - "Oh, girl, if you decide to lose weight, it's only a matter of time. You're the most organized, can-do female I've ever met." If she only knew, but I'm glad she doesn't. Lately I have felt like the EXACT opposite of that. I am consumed by school, inept at housework, a total mess and unsure if I "can-do" anything! This is one reason I love blog comments! It really amazes me what other people see sometimes - and it blesses me when it is better than what I see of myself. It makes me say, "maybe I ain't so darn bad after all". I was whining about my messy house recently, and my good friend said, "oh I'm sure your house couldn't be that messy". Well folks, it is! And it is driving me crazy, but with a major test Tuesday and Mr. G going out of town soon- I'm not sure how to get it tackled. One example: This morning Kaitlin could NOT find tennis shoes. Just in the living room we found: black dress shoes, yellow flip flops, pink boots, silver glitter shoes and strawberry flip flops. I finally found some slip on tennis shoes with hearts. (Just FYI - these shoes (all but one pair) are via Nana Express).
Back to the pictures: The first picture is the one I whispered for Charles to get. We were both "studying" together, and it was just a precious moment I wanted to get on film. However, Kaitlin saw the camera and became a crazy Ham! We had to fake the actual reading picture - which took many tries before we got one not giggling!

I'll try again to load these pictures tomorrow. Blogger is being a brat tonight. You can see them here if you want a sneak peak:
Also, if you are interested in the education thing, you can check out a few recent posts here.
I have tried to upload the read aloud I did recently, but I was unsuccessful. As embarrassing as it is to see myself on video, I know some of you are about to do your read aloud assignment and might like to see it. Sorry. I tried!


Jaime said...

Okay, I'm trying to guess what your shirt says?... "I heart loose farmers"?! Did I get it right?! :-)

Rebecca said...

LOL!!! Please tell me that's what it says. Texas, man. Sheesh.

And I have a hard time believing your house is that terrible, because I remember you whining about it long ago in Marshall, and I'd show up to find a few toys in the living room and a few dishes on the kitchen counter and think, yeah, real slovenly, Lisa! Just remember that good help doesn't have to cost too much and doesn't mean you aren't a wonderful homemaker. It only takes someone about two hours to blast through your entire kitchen and bathroom and vacuum everywhere else. And if you can find somebody for $10-15 an hour, it's so worth it. You certainly have enough on your plate. Nobody's going to call you a lazy shirker. :)

Jaime said...

I agree with Rebecca on the house cleaning. It might seem like an extravagant expense since you are capable of cleaning it (as in, not in a wheelchair, no broken limbs, etc), however, the stress it will relieve will make it worth every penny!

I went through a time when I was overwhelmed with having a lot on my plate (not even as much as you right now, though) and I paid to have someone else do the housework. And, you know what, it made a huge difference! Huge!

I was trying to think what I would do if I were in your shoes because I'm super anal about having a clean house and not being able to focus on anything else if it's not clean. And, this is the idea I came up with that I thought would work for my family. Maybe it would help for yours, too. Make a Saturday/Sunday/or whatever day works for you tradition that everyone takes a few hours and pitches in to clean, clean, clean. Then the rest of the week is just picking up and dishes, as needed.

Your kids won't remember the mess and you just have to try to remind yourself that this is just a chapter in y'all's lives right now.