Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm past update phase. Where was I? I'm back from the most relaxing (needed) week.

I needed to go to a gallery in Tyler for my art class, so we took a little vacation time to go hang with Julie and fam. We went to Starb*cks twice in one day, went to wal-m*art at 11:5 at night, rode go-carts, went to the Discovery Center, got pedicures and just generally hung out. We went to see my Mema, had breakfast with my parents and made it home just in time to unload and make it to a widow supper.

Our van just barely hung in there. Our transmission is slipping. We have our trip to Austin coming up in 11 days. We've got to figure something out. We just got the van out of the shop Monday. My brain might explode. I know its a sorry excuse for an update, but I'm finishing one class and starting another this crazy week.
I already miss my Julie!

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