Friday, April 30, 2010

Where Do Babies Come From

Last night Jonathan asked, "So is this baby going to come out of your belly or your buttocks?" I have to say the word "buttocks" threw me off. Ha Ha. It just sounded so funny coming out of his mouth. We had a good discussion about it - including the possibility of c-section. We talked about how the uterous contracts and the basics of how Jack is expected to come out.
At least this question was at home during our evening family talk time. When he asked, "so if they baby doesn't need bottles, how is he going to drink?" he was in the middle of getting a hair cut. I had to tell him we'd finish that talk at home- which we did. It makes me think of when Kaitlin was three and Jonathan was a baby and she fed her baby dolls chocolate breastmilk.

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