Jack is at such a fun age right now! When he was in my tummy, I often predicted that this would be my fun child. Without a doubt he was and is my little fighter, and I'm so thankful for that.
This kid is ACTIVE - always moving, always busy even at 3 months old.
If I could put word bubbles above his head they would usually say something like, "I wanna go somewhere. I wanna do something. Who wants to visit?" His favorite thing is to visit with someone. I say visit rather than have someone talk to him, because he truly wants to have a conversation with you - look you in the eyes, listen then respond with passion! Let me tell you - it is PRECIOUS!
He loves everyone at church and just lights up when we go to the assisted living home. One resident was actually laughing out loud over and over again watching Jack smile last week. I jokingly say that he is already doing ministry, because he just goes around smiling at people and making their whole day!
He's a great traveler - loves his car seat and his stroller or to be walking around.
We are truly enjoying this blessing of a baby, and in 2 short weeks I will have him all to myself every day while the big kids are in school:)