Tuesday, September 21, 2010

vampire teeth in the bathtub

  • I started my day off with a moan. Jack was up at midnight, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00! I had to get up early to turn Kaitlin into a Rock Star and Jonathan into a firefighter for school.
  • Kaitlin thought her eyeliner looked weird - redo.
  • Kaitlin forgot her recorder and Jonathan forgot his backpack. (which I couldn't bring to them)
  • Charles got a call at 7:00 - a church member in ICU 2 hours away and another church member's son broke his leg: he was off before the sun was all the way up.
  • Today I changed seven poopy diapers - including one that went all the way up Jack's back and down his legs
  • I took Jonathan to piano, took Kaitlin to the park for a Mommy Daughter talk and headed home to get supper (which I had put together earlier in the day) into the oven.
  • Then I spent an hour helping Kaitlin make an old pair of jeans into "hippy pants" for tomorrow and then another half hour making tiny braids and dying her hair.
  • Today I have given 2 practice spelling tests, listened to AR books, helped with a social studies crossword puzzle, helped spell roughly one million words, practiced music notes with Jonathan (which I am learning along with him)
  • I have prunes all over my good white shirt and an outfit covered in poop in the laundry room sink
  • My music station is set to the Sesame Street channel
  • When I went to take my shower today there were wet towels in the floor and vampire teeth in the tub!
  • I tripped over markers in the living room.
  • I have to hide my pudding cups or the children will eat them all!
  • After Charles got home from the hospital, he kissed me and left again for a church association meeting and he still isn't home
  • There are dirty dishes in the sink that I'm too tired to do and a week's worth of laundry.
  • Tomorrow is See You At the Pole which means another early early morning following what will certainly be a very long night!
You know what - I don't want to forget this stuff! I love my life! I love vampire teeth in the tub and prunes on my shirt. I love grins on the changing table after a night of torture. I love the hug Kaitlin gave me when she told me how much she LOVED her pants. I loved seeing my little firefighter go into school in his bright yellow helmet this morning. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this season of my life. I love crazy days like this where I'm so busy being a Mom that my house doesn't get touched even though it is a wreck! I love going to bed knowing that my children know how much they are loved. I love snuggling up to my husband and praying that the baby lets us sleep (even though he never does!)
I can clean house tomorrow - Maybe!

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