Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Little Optomist

Have I blogged lately how much I love my daughter?
Charles' car is somewhat of a joke at our house. It has hail damage, no air conditioning, cracked windows, melted crayon in the backseat and its always full of books. The driver's side window does not roll down, because the roll down handle is broken off (a slight problem at drive thrus and b/c the air doesn't work). Then today, the back driver's side window was busted out by a flying rock (thrown by a lawn mower). It was a very pathetic sight to see - let me tell you, especially with fall and rainy weather right on our heels.
So I came in and told Kaitlin, "Daddy's back window got broken out." Without missing a beat, my little optomist exclaimed, "Great! Now Daddy has air conditioning!" She really is great to have around!!!


Jaime said...

What a great perspective! And what a cute thing to come up with. :-)

lonestarcasie said...

That is cute.