Friday, February 22, 2008

Kaitlin woke up with a headache and a stomach ache. She is home from school, so she missed her pencil awards this morning for getting all A's on her report card. Oh by the way, Kait got all A's on her report card.
I had a really tough night with Jonathan the human helicopter in my bed, and I have felt terrible (my throat, my head, my cough), so I asked Charles to call Connie at the library and please let her know what was going on and that I couldn't come read to Kindergarten this morning (which I HATE missing!) He had to leave before 8 this morning for a hospital visit, so he was going to call on his way and let me try to go back to sleep while Jonathan was peaceful. I called to check on the person who was in the hospital and checked to make sure he had gotten hold of Connie. He said, "No, the number must have been wrong - it was a business." I said, "Was it LRC?" My scholar husband said, "Yes." HELLO! Librarial Resource Center. LRC is in big letters on the door. Who doesn't know LRC? So he never even called. I could have creamed him this morning. I couldn't reach him, so I'm blogging him.
I think this makes us even for when I wondered what they do with all the pimientos when they make olives stuffed with other things.
I'm sorry for two negative posts in a row, but maybe you got a big enough laugh out of Charles' goof up that it evened out! Pray for us to all get well. We've never all been sick this long. Yuck.

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